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Relationships are important.
People want others to understand them.
Relationships can improve the quality of life.


Students will analyze how people make friends an identify important qualities in a friend.


See each activity.


Teacher discretion.


These activities introduce the concept of friendship to the group. not only will students explore the components of friendship, but they will also identify their personal values about what makes a friend. use the activities over a period of days or weeks.


1.  Ask the students to show their responses to the following questions by thumbs up or down.

- How many of you have a best friend?
- How many of you have a friend now that you used to not like?
- How many of you have a good friend of the opposite sex?
- How many of you have had a fight or argument with a friend recently?
- How many of you have a brother or sister who is also your friend?

Ask students to close their eyes and think of someone who is their friend. Give them 25-30 seconds to reflect. Ask for volunteers to share about a friend and how they know that person is their friend.

2.  Discuss the following questions: 

- How do you make friends?
- How do you find a friend?
- When you first came to school, how did you make a friend?
- Have you ever moved into a new neighborhood where you had no friends?
- How did you find a friend there?

3.  Role play with a student. Have the student pretend to be a new student who has just moved to your neighborhood from whatever state or town they choose. You pretend to be a student in the same class who is striking up a conversation during recess. For example:

"High! You're new here aren't you? Where are you from? Wow, is that a long way away? Do you have any pets? I have a dog named Bum. He's a Great Dane. Do you think you might like to come to my house sometime after school? Oh, there's the whistle, see you at lunch."

Ask students if:

- Was I a good friend?
- What things did I do to be a good friend? (Students can usually identify things like being nice, pleasant tone of voice, sharing about yourself, asking questions and inviting the child over.)

4.  Ask students to discuss the following question:

"What is there about you that makes you a good friend?"

5. Conduct a brainstorming session having students generate the attributes and behaviors of a good friend.
6. On a large piece of butcher paper, have a volunteer lie down. Trace the outline of his/her body on the paper. Entitle the figure, "A Good Friend Is..." Tape the paper and the previous sessions brainstorming list on the wall.

Go over the brainstorming list. Write each item from the list on the figure in the following manner:

- Put feeling words and statements by the heart.
- Put things he can do by the hands and feet.

7. Discuss how we help and support our friends. Do the Car Wash activity. (See page 124.)
8. Have students construct a mobile using the information collected in #5.
9. Have students draw an "I Like You" poster. (see page 70.) Ask students to share their posters with the class. Display the artwork. This activity could be modified to an "I Love You" poster for Mother's or Father's Day.
10. Pets are good friends too. Have students complete the "Pet a Pet" activity sheet. Dsicuss how pets can be friends.
11. Being courteous is a part of being friendly. Have students complete the Be Courteous Day activity sheet. Share and discuss.

The Other Side of the Report Card
Scott, Foresman and Company